Drumroll Please…Fireplace Mantel Reveal

I am so excited to finally share my latest project with y’all today. It feels like I have been talking this mantel reveal up for the past year. I know it has been a year since I bought the worlds most difficult shelf to work with (LACK Ikea shelf) and it has been about four months since my father was able to make it work. I have finally styled it in a way that makes me happy and am already thinking of all the changes I can make to it for the upcoming holidays! But for now, I hope you enjoy my latest conquest.

Et voila! Here is my end of summer/still in Texas style mantel featuring a few projects you have already seen. The gold starburst mirror makeover from earlier this summer makes for the perfect transitional focal point on my mantel. I am excited to see how it pairs with my fall and winter accessories.

You probably remember the mini planters I shared last week. Now you know where they ended up! I know, I am so sure the suspense was killing you.

And to finish it all up, I added a picture of my family. Well of my sisters, mom and nephews (one still in my sisters belly) in a thin gold frame my mom scored at her favorite thrift store. Alongside is a budget find I have not featured, the colorful Moroccan inspired lantern, waiting to be filled with a flameless candle. And no shelf is complete without an owl perched on it. This particular owl is actually a votive candle holder I scored on super sale at World Market.

Before. What I was looking at for a full 8 months (and I’m totally embarrassed to share that lol)

After. I am so happy to see this right as I walk inside my apartment! And I really cannot wait to start switching it up once it actually starts to feel like fall.


What projects have spent too much time on your to do list? Making any plans to finish those up?

I am hoping for a quiet weekend full of crafts and diy projects! Can’t wait to share those with y’all. Til then, I hope everyone is having an excellent week!

Pinspire Me: Succulent Planters

Spring is here! The best time to be in Texas. Beautiful wildflowers off every highway, lots of rain filling up the rivers, and nice crisp and cool weather. Now, how to transfer all that beauty inside my apartment.

As much as I love my apartment, there are not enough windows for my personal preference. Since I cannot install any new windows, I am on the lookout for ways to bring what I love from the outdoors, inside.

For that I have been searching through Pinterest, no surprise there, for different ideas. Succulents. The internet world is crazy for succulents, as am I. A few of the following photographs have really inspired me to give these plants a try. Hope you enjoy!



This vintage plant stand is the perfect way to display the colorful array of succulents. The variety here is the perfect example of what I hope to achieve. You can never go wrong with a post by the lovely girls over at A Beautiful Mess.



I was instantly attracted to this simple display of this cactus. Especially once I noticed the accents attached to the cactus that resemble vintage brooches. Paired with that pink pot, this screams elegant perfection. Unfortunately I could not find the source of this photograph. If anyone knows who took it, let me know so I can give credit to the photographer.



Last but not least, this beautiful collection of colorful cactus set in this turquoise planter. Everything is perfect here, the nice round claw-foot pot displays the interesting greenery nicely. I hope I am able to replicate something as bright and colorful for my desk.

I have found some local shops selling different types of succulents and cactus at affordable prices. I am planning a trip soon to make sure and share what I hope to be low maintenance house plants that provide an outdoor feel inside my apartment.

What has inspired you lately? I hope everyone has a great weekend, I hope to relax, then relax, then relax some more. Talk to y’all soon!