12 Days of Christmas: Tacky Ornament Headband


Welcome to Day 7 of my 12 Days of Christmas series. We are halfway through the series and that much closer to Christmas! I have a fun and easy project to share with y’all today, just in time for the holiday parties. It seems like everyone has an “ugly Christmas sweater” party to go to this year. This project will take your outfit one step further, you know, in case this party also has a competition. Hope you enjoy this tacky ornament headband as much as I did.


As always, the first step is to gather all of your supplies. For this project I used a cheap plastic headband, tiny silver ornaments and bows and a hot glue gun. After making the floral headband a few months back, I knew I wanted to start making one for each season. 20131216-165236.jpg

I played around with the arrangement a few times until I felt comfortable with the final combination. I chose blue and silver to match my “tacky” Christmas sweater vest (although I know these colors represent Hannukah) but you can make sure to choose any colors you’d like.


I ended up changing the arrangement up again before I glued them on. I decided to use all blue bows with a silver ornament in between. I secured each bow and ornament with a bit of hot glue on the headband. If I make another headband, I think I will glue felt onto the headband before anything else. The little ball ornaments kept rolling off all night. Nothing a little tape couldn’t fix.


And there it is, my tacky headband, that’s actually really stinkin’ cute. I am thinking of making a traditional red and green one for Christmas Eve.


My best friend and I in the photo booth at the party. You can see one ornament taped to my hair lol

Is your head as festive as mine?

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