12 Days of Christmas: Snowman Nails


Welcome to Day 6 of my 12 Days of Christmas series. I have a simple holiday manicure to share with y’all today, just in time for all of the upcoming holiday parties. I was inspired by the always wonderful MissJennFabulous, you can check out her video tutorial here. Enjoy!


Here are some of the polishes used for the snowman look, from left to right: “For Audrey” by China Glaze, a white nail striper, and “Snow Globe” by Sally Hansen. I also used white, orange and black polishes. Off topic: does anyone have a recommendation for a good white nail polish? I am not too fond of mine. If so, please let me know in the comments section.


I started off by painting all of my nails blue, except my middle finger, which is white for the snowman.


Next, I added a coat of extra fine glitter on my pinky, pointer and thumb nails. I really like this glitter polish by Sally Hansen, provides the right amount of sparkle with both fine glitter and bigger holographic chunks that aren’t too overwhelming.


The cute little snowman is actually really easy to create. Grab your dotting tool (or a toothpick or bobby pin) and dip it in some black nail polish. Start off with two black dots near each other to represent the eyes at the top of your nail, near the cuticle. Then make five smaller dots at the tip of your nail, near the free edge, in a semi-circle for the smile on the happy snowman. Finish him off by drawing on a little triangle with a small dotting tool dipped in orange polish. Remember, it is totally ok if this isn’t perfect, no real carrot is ever perfect.


I decided to add a snowflake on my ring finger to finish off the look like MissJennFabulous did. I used a white nail striper to paint on the snowflake, you can also use white acrylic paint and a thin paintbrush. I started off by making a cross along the bottom corner of my nail and placing an “x” right on top. Then I added smaller lines, creating a “v” at the end of each longer line on the cross. To finish it all off, I picked my dotting tool back up, dipped it in white nail polish, and placed random dots all over the nail to mimic falling snow.


Finished everything off with a top coat and voila! I am really loving this manicure at the moment. Coincidentally, this look matches perfectly with my “tacky” Christmas sweater that may or may not make an appearance later in this series (it will).

Is anybody else so consumed with the festivities that your nails show it? If so, please share those fabulous fingers in the comments!

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