DIY: Terra Cotta Saucer Coasters

I am back again! So sorry for the long hiatus, I hope it will not happen again. I have been working on some projects to ensure this does not happen again 🙂

Enough with that…on to the fun stuff!

My little sister moved into her apartment last week! I have not been able to to see it but am going to visit her this weekend. That’s right, I am going to make the long 40 minute trek up north through Austin traffic to visit my little sister. I hope you can sense my sarcasm, I feel like a horrible big sister for not being able to visit her yet. But of course, that will change after Saturday! And it also gave me time to make a really great housewarming gift for her and her new roommate and apartment.

I made her a pack of 4 coasters by spray painting and adding scrapbook paper to terra cotta saucers. I got the idea after searching through my Martha Stewart pinterest board and remembered I pinned these saucer coasters. This was an extremely easy project, from start to finish I think it took me about 3 hours, maybe even less. I popped in one of my favorite movies, Jane Austen Book Club and watched it as the saucers were drying. I won’t keep you waiting, here is how I spent the afternoon:


Here is what you will need:

Spray paint and primer

mod podge + sponge brush (not pictured)

E-6000 or hot glue

felt or cork

scrapbook paper

and of course, terra cotta saucers

This was not one of my cheaper projects because I did have to purchase almost everything, minus the mod podge and E-6000. But that is certainly ok because now I have leftover everything and that is fine with me!

ImageI placed the saucers face down on some cardboard and spray primed them. I waited 10 minutes, flipped them over and did the same. Basically just followed the instructions on the bottle since it was my first time spray painting anything!


I waited an hour for the primer to dry before I spray painted them a light yellow 🙂 It was the longest hour EVER! Good thing I had a great movie on 🙂


I brought the whole box in after another hour and sat right in front of the tv (the last part of the movie is the best). I had pre-cut the scrapbook paper at work so all I had to do was spread mod podge all over the back of the paper, place it in the middle and press down firmly.


After waiting 10 more minutes for them to dry, I mod podged the tops of the paper, making sure to seal the edges in.

ImageThen I traced the circle of felt with E-6000 and pressed it onto the bottoms of the saucers. This prevents the saucers from scratching your coffee table. I had also pre-cut these while I was at work.

ImageAnd Voila!

Here is the finished product. I am really happy with the outcome and glad that the scrapbook paper and felt cover up my spray paint mishaps lol. Although I think they look really great on my coffee table right by my candy bowl, they are a gift. I promise I will wrap them up and hand them to my little sister this weekend. Hopefully I will be able to take a picture of them in her apartment.

They were so easy to make, and I really like the end result that I am sure I will be handing these out for Christmas this year!

Hope y’all enjoyed my comeback! And hope y’all are ready for more 🙂 I hope everyone has been having a good week! I am ready for the weekend, curious for the adventures it may bring 🙂 Talk to y’all soon!