DIY: Succulent Planter


In my efforts to continue to bring the outside in, I am excited to share my most recent project with y’all today. I originally shared my interest in succulents this past April and I am happy to report that I have finally introduced my own version to my little space.


It all began when I spotted this hurricane vase at Michael’s at almost 90% off. I instantly grabbed one without thinking of its purpose, knowing that I would eventually find a use for it.


Then I made it into Lowe’s to gather materials for another project I am working on and spotted this lonely beauty. Most of the succulents were picked over as summer is coming to an end. I was so glad to find one that has kept its shape.



Then I spent some time browsing over the other arrangements. The one above is now serving as inspiration for next year. Let’s hope I can keep the one I just bought alive.


So I gathered some supplies: a recycled candle jar, a cactus plant and some dirt (not pictured) and got to work. It was a really nice day so I decided to work outside. And I am so glad I made that decision because I made a mess. I took my veggie plate out with me and by the time I was done I realized all of my food was covered in dirt. Oh well, better the carrots than my carpet.

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Its really a simple process. I layered the bottom with some rocks, filled with dirt and added the plant. Then I realized the plant did not really fit, but decided to love it anyway. I really hope these survive because they are an excellent touch on my mantel.

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Here is a tiny preview of said mantel. Stay tuned for the full reveal sometime soon! But for today I hope you have enjoyed my newest project as much as I have. And I hope everyone is having a great week!