DIY: Succulent Planter


In my efforts to continue to bring the outside in, I am excited to share my most recent project with y’all today. I originally shared my interest in succulents this past April and I am happy to report that I have finally introduced my own version to my little space.


It all began when I spotted this hurricane vase at Michael’s at almost 90% off. I instantly grabbed one without thinking of its purpose, knowing that I would eventually find a use for it.


Then I made it into Lowe’s to gather materials for another project I am working on and spotted this lonely beauty. Most of the succulents were picked over as summer is coming to an end. I was so glad to find one that has kept its shape.



Then I spent some time browsing over the other arrangements. The one above is now serving as inspiration for next year. Let’s hope I can keep the one I just bought alive.


So I gathered some supplies: a recycled candle jar, a cactus plant and some dirt (not pictured) and got to work. It was a really nice day so I decided to work outside. And I am so glad I made that decision because I made a mess. I took my veggie plate out with me and by the time I was done I realized all of my food was covered in dirt. Oh well, better the carrots than my carpet.

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photo 2

photo 3

Its really a simple process. I layered the bottom with some rocks, filled with dirt and added the plant. Then I realized the plant did not really fit, but decided to love it anyway. I really hope these survive because they are an excellent touch on my mantel.

photo 5

Here is a tiny preview of said mantel. Stay tuned for the full reveal sometime soon! But for today I hope you have enjoyed my newest project as much as I have. And I hope everyone is having a great week!

DIY: Gold Dipped Vase


As I mentioned a few weeks ago, my gold spray paint can has become attached to my hand. I am constantly looking for ways to transform an item with a few coats of gold spray paint. The newest addition to my “All gold everythang” collection, a $1 glass vase from the thrift store.


I have been searching for cheap vases to use around my place as a way to bring more of an outdoor feel inside. This has been my mission as the orchid from Ikea that I loved died last month after leaving it inside with no AC while I was in Denton with my sister for a week. I found a few simple vases to add to my home on one thrifting adventure. I purchased two and left the store with one as the other one fell out of my hands and shattered, leaving me with this clear one that was begging for a makeover.


After a few good cleanings with a Windex wipe, I taped off about a third of the vase to cover with the gold. This was the hardest part of the project (which is not that hard at all). Make sure you have really sticky tape to make sure the paint does not bleed through.



I took it outside and sprayed a thin coat of primer to make sure the paint could adhere to the vase. I sprayed three light coats waiting about 30 minutes in between each one and let it dry completely overnight.


I have to say, this has to be the best spray paint job for me to date! Zero drips, clean-ish lines and no bubbles. Very very proud of that. Which just leaves me to wonder what else I can spray paint around the house… Is there such a thing as too many gold accents?


I have no idea what kind of flowers these are. I chose to purchase a cheap bushel of  flowers from Walmart ($3).  I decided with these because of the beautiful lilac-ish color and the funky yet simple shape. I’ll invest in more expensive and extensive bouquets once I know I can keep these alive!


A final look at my newest project. I am happy to report that after 4 days, they are still sitting nicely on my kitchen table next to the vintage salt and pepper shakers from my friend. I hope to continue sharing my attempts to grow a green thumb.

This is the perfect simple and cheap project for a Saturday afternoon, I hope some of you try it out. If you do, please send some pictures!

Talk to y’all soon!